Friday, January 14, 2011

Marriages in Asian families

There are many families in Asia and one of those is the Filipino family. Their marriage is based on their religion. If they were Christians like us, they will have their marriage in a church. Marriage is important, and it is the thought of primarily in the context if protection and preservation of the basic family unit for Indians. But in other country, like India and Japan, they have a arranged marriage. When a baby is born his/her parents will find a partner for him?her. And he/she don't have a chance to be married with somebody he/she really love.

Vietnam Cuisine

The Vietnam cuisine looks so delicious! And I think it also taste so delicious. The Vietnamese cuisine has been influence by the Chinese and Indonesian cooking. But they reserve their own recipe in cooking this There a lot of Vietnamese cuisine and their own style in designing a food is great.

Modern day Bayanihan

We are the only country that have Bayanihan. It doesn't have any English word. It is carrying the bahay kubo and bringing it to another place. People are helping each other to carry it. I really like this attitude of a Filipino, and it makes me really proud about this, because it is unique.
We can also notice Bayanihan when there is a typhoon and many people were victims of it. We also have many different traits that we can be proud of because of its uniqueness.

The influence of Chinese dances

One of the popular dance of the Chinese were the Lion dance and the Tiger dance. It is their tradition, every Chinese new year they'll performed it, and they need to make some noise to drive away bad luck. And their beliefs also influenced us. We also make noise when new year is coming. They also have other dance like the Lantern dance and Flower-drum dance. The performers of lantern dance held lanterns with their hands, and the flower-drum dance are accompanied by the drums.

Chinese Inventions and Discoveries

Chinese were great in terms of discoveries and inventions. They discovered many important things that still exists and used by the people. In the fifteen hundred years (they are already civilized), their developments in navigation,spiritual balance, mathematics, and natural prevention and diagnosis. They were the first to developed porcelain, paper, fishing reels, church bells, rudders, solar wind, the circulation of the blood in the human body, the suspension bridge, the techniques for drilling natural gas, the iron plough, the seed drill, the mechanical clock, the seismograph, planting and hoeing, techniques and compass.

One of their important invention was the compass. It is used to know the direction. The first compass was made of metal spoon, and the second was made of square bronze plate. It contains symbol that has meaning. The two components were opposite. The spoon represent the Heaven, and the plate represents the earth. It contains eight directions. It is still used today. But there are fully developed compass. The popular compass now is circle, like a clock.
Another thing that they developed was the kite. Nowadays, we Filipinos fly a kite especially when it's windy, to just have fun. But for the Chinese, kites have meanings. They just don't fly a kite for fun, but for a cause. It is their military communication. When they fly a kite, it sometimes mean a threat to the other cities. Next is the seismograph. It is used to detect any seismic activity. In their times, a seismic activity is detected by the vessel would prompt the balls to fall into the corresponding mouths of the nine frogs sitting beside below the dragons, which would point to the direction of the earth tremor. And then practical umbrella. The Chinese were the ones who invented the umbrella.So we must thank them because we have something to used when it is raining or even when it is so sunny outside. The first umbrella that they created was made from oil paper produced by the bark of the mulberry tree. They also have more symbolic meaning for an umbrella, especially when it used in ceremony.

Chinese invented very great things that we need in our lives. So we must thank them for those.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hinduism vs Christianity

Christianity Vs. Hinduism

Christianity is a monotheistic faith. It is a belief in one God. Major branches of Christianity includes Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestantism. Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God and He is their Savior.They believe that Jesus died for their sins and did it as His sacrifice for human to have a chance to be with His Father (God) in Heaven. However, Christians, live according to what the Bible says (Bible is the word of God). They follow what Jesus taught in the new testament. Accepting Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior makes them a real Christian.

Hinduism is a belief in many gods. Follower of this religion must memorize 330 gods. So when they pray, they have to know to whom they will pray. Hinduism has no savior, and it is said that it has no founder. It is a devotion to or worship of the gods Vishnu (the sustainer), Shiva (the destroyer), and Brahman (the creator). The word Hindu is derived from the river Sindhu or Indus.

For me, Christianity is a better religion than Hinduism.
Because it is a belief in God, which I also believe. One God is enough than to memorize 330 gods. And Christianity has a Savior, while Hinduism does not. No one dies for their sin, and they don't know where they will go when they die. Christianity is the reality. So I hope, followers of Buddhism, Hinduism, and other more religions that are against God will see the truth, and be converted into Christian religion.

Friday, October 8, 2010

How does the techings of Buddha affect the followers of this philosophy?

Buddhism is not a religion It is a philosophy. I think, this is against God. The four noble truths that Buddha can be summarized as:
1. All existence is suffering.
2. Suffering arises from desire or craving.
3. Cessation of desire means the end of suffering.
4. Cessation of desire is achieved following the eight fold path, controlling one's conduct, thinking, and belief.

The followers of Buddha are affected so much in the eyes of God. But for them, they are doing the right thing and they will be save by their personal effort. Because Buddha told them: "Seek salvation alone in the truth; look not for assistance from anyone besides yourself" So that's very bad. They also believe in karma that is similar to reincarnation. So they can't kill cockroach, ant, or even mosquito, because thy believe that, maybe it is one of their family that already died and have been reincarnated into a such thing, or they believe that if they die, they will be also a cockroach. Law of karma states that "Do not do unto others what you don't want them to do unto you". For example, I hurt my cousin, someone in the future will do the same thing to me. And they also want to achieve Nirvana, the state of the perfect peace and happiness. It is the ultimate goal of the Buddhist. There is no perfect peace unless Jesus came. It is also said that it promised liberation to everyone who was willing to follow Buddha's way. Liberty means freedom, so they are free from having a master. So for me, it is not true. I think, they are being pulled by Satan from being save and from knowing God. So it is a sin to follow Buddha's way, because it is against God.