Friday, October 8, 2010

How does the techings of Buddha affect the followers of this philosophy?

Buddhism is not a religion It is a philosophy. I think, this is against God. The four noble truths that Buddha can be summarized as:
1. All existence is suffering.
2. Suffering arises from desire or craving.
3. Cessation of desire means the end of suffering.
4. Cessation of desire is achieved following the eight fold path, controlling one's conduct, thinking, and belief.

The followers of Buddha are affected so much in the eyes of God. But for them, they are doing the right thing and they will be save by their personal effort. Because Buddha told them: "Seek salvation alone in the truth; look not for assistance from anyone besides yourself" So that's very bad. They also believe in karma that is similar to reincarnation. So they can't kill cockroach, ant, or even mosquito, because thy believe that, maybe it is one of their family that already died and have been reincarnated into a such thing, or they believe that if they die, they will be also a cockroach. Law of karma states that "Do not do unto others what you don't want them to do unto you". For example, I hurt my cousin, someone in the future will do the same thing to me. And they also want to achieve Nirvana, the state of the perfect peace and happiness. It is the ultimate goal of the Buddhist. There is no perfect peace unless Jesus came. It is also said that it promised liberation to everyone who was willing to follow Buddha's way. Liberty means freedom, so they are free from having a master. So for me, it is not true. I think, they are being pulled by Satan from being save and from knowing God. So it is a sin to follow Buddha's way, because it is against God.

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