Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hinduism vs Christianity

Christianity Vs. Hinduism

Christianity is a monotheistic faith. It is a belief in one God. Major branches of Christianity includes Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestantism. Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God and He is their Savior.They believe that Jesus died for their sins and did it as His sacrifice for human to have a chance to be with His Father (God) in Heaven. However, Christians, live according to what the Bible says (Bible is the word of God). They follow what Jesus taught in the new testament. Accepting Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior makes them a real Christian.

Hinduism is a belief in many gods. Follower of this religion must memorize 330 gods. So when they pray, they have to know to whom they will pray. Hinduism has no savior, and it is said that it has no founder. It is a devotion to or worship of the gods Vishnu (the sustainer), Shiva (the destroyer), and Brahman (the creator). The word Hindu is derived from the river Sindhu or Indus.

For me, Christianity is a better religion than Hinduism.
Because it is a belief in God, which I also believe. One God is enough than to memorize 330 gods. And Christianity has a Savior, while Hinduism does not. No one dies for their sin, and they don't know where they will go when they die. Christianity is the reality. So I hope, followers of Buddhism, Hinduism, and other more religions that are against God will see the truth, and be converted into Christian religion.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is absolutely stupid,there aren't 330 gods in Hinduism. There is 10 avatars/deities within Hinduism however they are all a part of one god (Brahman) which is considered the ultimate creator. They pray to him rarely as they focus on the main three out the ten avatars/deities which are Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma (not to be confused with Brahman). I would recommend that you actually do your research before writing a blog on something you clearly know nothing about. Last but not least this is quite clearly biased and you have given barely any reasons why Christianity is supposedly better than Hinduism.

  3. Another thing I find appalling is that you seek to attack a quite peaceful religion and praise one that has only caused delays in science and aggressive towards the LGBT community. Which I'm pretty sure Jesus wouldn't of wanted from his followers to do seeing as he sought to change a troubled society in which he was born into.
