Friday, October 8, 2010

My perspective of the 5 pillars of Islam

Islam is one of the major world religions. It is a monotheistic faith, which means that they believe in one God. Followers of Islam are called Muslims. Muslim ,means "one who surrenders to God. "

Islam has five pillars. They are:

~~ Shahada.

They believe that there is no other God than Allah & his messenger is Muhammad.They believe that Allah is the only God, and Muhammad is the greatest prophet, the seventh prophet next to Jesus.

~~ Salat (prayer).

It is thier faith that they need to pray five times a day. So the Muslims are praying five times a day.

~~ Zakat (charity).

It is giving a percentage from their money to the charity, or sometimes to the Islamic leaders to add to their royal treasuries. So it is very nice because they also give some to the charity.

~~ Saum (fasting).

Fasting is done by not eating. During Ramadan, they are not eating for one month. It is their sacrifice. Fasting has three kinds, the partial fasting, which means they will not eat breakfast only, but they are going to eat lunch, & supper. Another is the water fasting, instead of eating, you'll just drink. And the full fasting, that means you will not eat at all.

~~ Hajj (pilgrimage).

It is require for all Muslims. All healthy ones, need to perform this at least once in their lifetime. But for the lesser ones, they must perform this during the first half of the month, and during the last month of the lunar year.

My own perspective

Well, for me, the five pillars of Muslims are good. Actually, it is a healthy living, not just physically but also spiritually and mentally. It is good that they believe in one God, and they also help to the charity, and having their fasting which can make their bodies healthy, because they are eliminating toxins. I try to practice fasting before, because I learned that it eliminates toxins that we get from different foods that we eat. But I can't! That's why I am amazed that they are used of fasting.

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